Sfhera S.r.l.: Sfhera progetta e sviluppa prodotti a LED tecnologicamente avanzati e strettamente legati alla sicurezza stradale, all'illuminazione e al risparmio energetico, concepiti nell'ottica di una maggiore eco-sostenibilità, attraverso elevati standard qualitativi
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Bike counting Totem for cycle paths

Bike Counter Display in real time: how does it work?

The Sfhera bike counter displays count the passages of the cyclists on the cycle paths in real time. Thanks to the anti-reflective polycarbonate screen and the sun shields, the LED displays are clearly visible in all light conditions, also in backlight. Equipped with laser scanners, the bike counting totems are positioned on the edge of the cycle paths or pedestrian paths. As people pass, the laser sensor simultaneously reads each individual passage through the scanning area and, in real time, increases the count and shows it on the display. The technology employed allows even groups of cyclists in two-way traffic to be correctly recognised, and the counting displays are also available in a two-sided version.

The recorded traffic data can be viewed via a special web portal. The platform, equipped with graphs and tables, shows individual and aggregated data of all passages, divided by subject type, time period and direction of travel.

Bike Counting Totems: green street furniture

Sfhera bike counters are available in two versions: with one or two displays. In the second case, the display, in addition to showing the counts, can be customised, for example showing the date and time, like a VMS (variable message sign). Each totem can be aesthetically customised . In fact, the front panel is printed with customised graphics, so as to best adapt to any environment in which it will be positioned, thus making Sfhera bike counting totems elements of street furniture.

Installation of Sfhera bike counting totems

Cycling along the cycle paths of Trentino-Alto Adige you can see the totems installed along the cycle paths. These are customised totems with double-sided displays to ensure that data can be read in both directions. In addition to mountainous areas, some cities such as Trento, Rovereto and Vicenza have installed bike counters in city centres to analyse bike traffic and understand how best to manage green traffic. Furthermore, some local governments believe that investing in green mobility is a good way to highlight environmental issues to raise public awareness.

  • SFH00608 / Dimensions 70x210x15 cm / Matrix 48x16 px / Total and daily data collection
  • SFH00609 / Dimensions 70x210x15 cm / Matrix 48x16 + 48x16 px / Total and daily data collection
  • SFH00608A / WiFi modem module for remote data control
  • SFH00206 / Backlighting