Sfhera S.r.l.: Sfhera progetta e sviluppa prodotti a LED tecnologicamente avanzati e strettamente legati alla sicurezza stradale, all'illuminazione e al risparmio energetico, concepiti nell'ottica di una maggiore eco-sostenibilità, attraverso elevati standard qualitativi
tel +39 030 5052010 email info@sfhera.com

Pedestrian Crossings

The pedestrian is the most vulnerable subject in the street, hence the importance of ensuring their safety. Sfhera manufactures street light signal systems dedicated to Road Lighting System crossings, which increase the visibility of pedestrians. Sfhera manufactures the following devices: Zebra, Strallo and Tekna.

Safe Illuminated Pedestrian Crossings

The systems are equipped with high-brightness LED lamps, positioned to ensure perfect horizontal and vertical illumination of the pedestrian in compliance with UNI/TS 11726.