Sfhera S.r.l.: Sfhera progetta e sviluppa prodotti a LED tecnologicamente avanzati e strettamente legati alla sicurezza stradale, all'illuminazione e al risparmio energetico, concepiti nell'ottica di una maggiore eco-sostenibilità, attraverso elevati standard qualitativi
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Car park display

Brochure Soluzioni per Parcheggi

Car parks are a key element in an urban environment, they are normally located near large facilities capable of accommodating many people: public transport stations, shopping centres, fairs etc.

Sfhera produces parking management systems, ranging from vehicle scanning to service communication for users. The systems are integrated and connected to the web, therefore the service can be accessed from any device and remote location via an internet connection.

Parking Access Control Systems

To us it is important to support users from the very start, even before they are entering the car park. There it is important that the user is informed effectively and guided towards the closest car park with free parking spaces. This need and the experience gained in the VMS (variable message sign) field led to the creation of parking indication signals, used for information purposes in the streets of cities to tell drivers where to find free parking.
Sfhera systems for parking guidance and management: SMARTpark 90 SMARTpark 150.