Sfhera S.r.l.: Sfhera progetta e sviluppa prodotti a LED tecnologicamente avanzati e strettamente legati alla sicurezza stradale, all'illuminazione e al risparmio energetico, concepiti nell'ottica di una maggiore eco-sostenibilità, attraverso elevati standard qualitativi
tel +39 030 5052010 email info@sfhera.com

Regulation of accesses to the gates

Panels for Restricted Traffic Areas

Sfhera’s LED panels for restricted traffic areas are variable message signs designed to regulate access to restricted traffic areas and pedestrian areas. They are used to display the activity status of restricted traffic areas, indicating the time slot for activating and closing the gate. The devices comply with UNI EN 12899 and 12966 standards.

How are VMS for restricted traffic areas managed?

The panels can be managed independently via the web portal, using the calendar function, or, if the restricted traffic area is equipped with devices for traffic fines and/or cameras, they can be integrated via a communication protocol.

  • SFH00564 / Monochrome / Dimensions 80x110x15 cm / Matrix 48x16 px
  • SFH00564E / Monochrome / Dimensions 75x35x15 cm / Matrix 48x16 px
  • SFH00564C / Monochrome / Dimensions 75x75x15 cm / Matrix 48x48 px
  • SFH00564A / fullCOLOR / Dimensions 80x110x15 cm / Matrix 48x16 px