Sfhera S.r.l.: Sfhera progetta e sviluppa prodotti a LED tecnologicamente avanzati e strettamente legati alla sicurezza stradale, all'illuminazione e al risparmio energetico, concepiti nell'ottica di una maggiore eco-sostenibilità, attraverso elevati standard qualitativi
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Light signals on stand

Light signals on stand for construction sites

Light signage with foldable stand equipped with battery hook. 12V power supply. Structure in coated aluminium with reflective film Class 2 translucent applied and LED flashing lights.The light signals are made entirely by Sfhera in its Montichiari (Brescia) plant.
For further information, visit our page dedicated to light signage.

  • SFH00502A / Signal dimensions 60×60 cm / 12V power supply.
  • SFH00335 / 12V Power supply via battery