Sfhera S.r.l.: Sfhera progetta e sviluppa prodotti a LED tecnologicamente avanzati e strettamente legati alla sicurezza stradale, all'illuminazione e al risparmio energetico, concepiti nell'ottica di una maggiore eco-sostenibilità, attraverso elevati standard qualitativi
tel +39 030 5052010 email info@sfhera.com

 Sequential LED Visual

Sequential LED Visual

The Visual LED is an LED sequential light signal, ideal for signalling dangerous curves. Made with profile in painted aluminium and front in PMMA and finish with reflective film class 2 translucent. Power supply: 230 VAC, public grid and photovoltaic energy with dedicated panel. The sequential LED visual display includes a minimum of three modules with LED sequential lighting.

  • SFH00300 / 3 modules LED Visual Display / Dimensions 63x63x8.5 cm
  • SFH00320 / Dimensions 63x63x8.5 cm / Power supply: 230 VAC + twilight
  • SFH00321 / Dimensions 63x63x8.5 cm / Power supply public grid
  • SFH00322 / Dimensions 63x63x8.5 cm / Power supply: photovoltaic energy
  • SFH00328 / FROR Cable 3x1